Monday 10th May 7PM
7pm - Launch Night (Zoom) featuring industry feedback from Amy Blake, Gill Nathanson, & Rob Hastie.
7:30pm - Lost by Danielle Pottage (online video)
7:45pm - Make 'Em Laugh by India Birchall (online video)
8:00pm - GHOSt HUNt by Jessie Jones (interactive online video series)
Please feel free to join the Zoom event and watch the pieces with us. You may also choose to access this evening's events by navigating the media below. This option is recommended if you struggle with a poor connection.
LOST 7:30 pm
by Danielle Pottage
On the outside Anna is a normal teenage girl living her average life. She is surrounded by friends, her boyfriend and her family however she is stuck in an inner conflict with her mind, but will this conflict be the final straw for Anna? #LostShortFilm
Created by Danielle Pottage
Performed by Danielle Pottage
Warnings: Not suitable for viewers under the age of 14.
About Danielle Pottage
Danielle is a young, upcoming actress exploring the themes of feeling lost and hopeless in her short film Lost.
Direct link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19uCRHfRJRAckrL2Wja2ML-aROutcwTCo/view?usp=sharing
MAKE 'EM LAUGH 7:45 pm
by India Birchall
When a young woman decides to try her hand at stand up for an open mic night, she becomes more comfortable with the audience and starts to open up. All the things she thought she’d forgotten about herself start to resurface and she starts to admit things to the audience that she hasn’t really admitted to herself. As secrets start pouring out of her, the venue becomes her confession box and the audience her priest. What will she admit to next? #StandUpandConfess
Created by India Florence Birchall
Performed by India Florence Birchall
Warnings: Not suitable for viewers under the age of 14. Parental guidance is advised.
About India Florence Birchall
India is a 22-year-old Sheffield based actress. She is in her final year at Hallam and intends to pursue a career in acting and performance when she leaves. She has featured in several short films as well as Choke Me, a political play by Doppelgangster for Off the Shelf festival 2019. spotlight.com
Direct link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1twnDNjFIS6u4I1h9VcFEglpbm_a2FG_U/view?usp=sharing
GHOST HUNT 8:00 pm
by Jessie Jones
When Niko begins to see a woman roaming his house, he sets out to record her as proof that he isn't crazy. As the situation gets worse, another intruder begins to work his way into Niko's life and causes problems. Who is the woman in the house? Who is the guy following Niko? These mysteries will unfold as more uploads find themselves on the YouTube channel, NikoVan. #ShesStillHere
Created by Jessie Jones
Performed by Jessie Jones, Jack Gahagan, Harry Marciniak, Chris Seven, Maraya Ashworth, and Antonia Teodora.
About Jessie Jones
Twenty three years old, fat, a dumbass, green hair. Not funny, the best at acting. Great at computer generated models, and artwork. Is this 50 words yet? No? Er... Did I say I was twenty-three already? What else... Er... I like Dr. Who and Netflix' original cartoons. Peace out. kwiteshy.wixsite.com/my-site